Whatcha Eating This Christmas?

I write on a lighter note today. I’ve been christened ‘woman of the house’ this Christmas. One of the things this entails is being in charge of all things food for the day. So I’m stationed in the kitchen, while others in the house muse over video games or sing songs praising Jesus (Yay!). And so, I look around a kitchen full of potential and begin to plan the key thing that will bring the family together in this season of thankfulness. I ask myself, “what are we eating this Christmas?!”

In my mind I shuffle through ideas for meals – I’m attempting at an internationally inspired set of dishes. Here we go! PS: Whatcha Eating This Christmas?


The day starts with breakfast inspired by the Danes with Danish pancakes. Really, a normal pancake recipe, just prepared larger, flatter, softer, and sweeter, like the Danes like them. I added my own personal touch – a cinnamon swirl and chocolate ships; tomato/onion eggs on the side. A good start, no?

Danish Pancakes and Eggs
Danish Pancakes and Eggs


The next dish is good ole American comfort food, but word says it originated from the UK. I’ll let others confirm whether that’s ture or not; but for the early noon, some baked mac and cheese with shrimp and onion. As you can see, I wasn’t really going for health foods here. Note to the wise: eat this one sparingly.

Baked Mac and Cheese
Baked Mac and Cheese


I’m mindful that not everyone would go for the mac and cheese, and I don’t blame them – look at all its cheesy goodness! So, I create a little duet between Italy and the UK – A pesto-y pasta and tomato dish and on the side, baked Scotch eggs. The scotch eggs were a little burnt at the end of the day (that’s what happens when you take your eyes off the oven), but they’ve still got the taste. Cheers!

Scotch eggs and Italian inspired pasta and pesto
Scotch Eggs and Italian-inspired Pasta, Tomatoes, and Pesto!


And now, to the roots! Dinner time calls soon. For my bit, I make the dishes that go the long way. First, it’s Nigerian vegetable soup, or efo, as Nigerians will call it. I make a mean pot of it. I don’t have a side here – I’ll let the family be creative on what they want to eat it with. I tend to eat this by itself.

Nigerian vegetable soup (efo)
Nigerian Vegetable Soup (Efo)


Now the next meal is not for the faint of heart, but it’s mm-mm good. It’s a spicy dish of Nigerian pepper soup! This really is a delicacy that you pull out for season like this. It typically has a combination of meats (I use gizzard, turkey, and beef), and a distinctive spicy…very spicy taste. Like I said, it’s not for the faint of heart. You can try it.


Nigerian Pepper Soup
Nigerian Pepper Soup


And lastly, something’s got to sweeten up the day, no? How about some Belgian chocolate, via New York? Now of course, I didn’t make this. A trip to Walgreens will do the trick. Have a sweet Christmas! Running to the gym after today 🙂

Belgian Chocolate
Belgian Chocolate



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