Plucking High Fruit

Winning people to God’s Kingdom is a major focus in my heart – hence, one of the reasons for this blog. But outside of cyberspace, I take this agenda to my work place. I’m always thinking, what seed can I sow? Who can I impact for Him?

I have been doing this with other employees that work at my level. We work so closely together, so the opportunity is always there to make Christ known. But I had always been wondering in my heart, “Lord, what about my managers?” They are often in meetings; and when they are around, everyone is so focused on their work. It was tempting to believe they were unreachable.

But I had an “Aha!” moment this week – my boss regularly stays back after work so she exercise around the building! (And all this time, I had been racing home after work so I could “do my thing”). Then came God’s nudging direction in my heart: “You know, you can always ask to join her.” So the next morning, I came to work with my gym bag in tow. And that afternoon we walked around the campus for about an hour. Did the doors open, or what? And of course, with wisdom, I went after sewing seeds in her heart.

But it doesn’t stop with the after-work conversations. I am conscious that whether she realizes it or not, she has now begun to watch me. She will take note of how I behave and perform in comparison to everyone else. Therefore, I am meeting – if not exceeding – her expectations of me. I am meeting her deadlines; I am staying true to the commitments I give her; I’m taking initiative in my team; I am speaking graciously and honestly. I do this, not for a raise or promotion, although these things are good; but for God’s Kingdom to be known and desired. High performance, coupled with a great attitude, attracts people.

A scriptures says: whatever may be your task, work at it heartily as something done for the Lord and not for men. In essence, God really doesn’t want your insightful analysis, or your impactful office meeting, or the accolades your colleagues give you, in and of themselves. But He does desire the people that those things attract. This really clicked for me just now. It’s just not about me.

If  making Christ known wherever you stand is a great desire in your heart, ask God how to go about it. And He will show you – because that’s His heart.

See more: Colossians 3: 22-24

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