I want to ask a question that I had to force myself to answer today:

What areas of your personality, background, and physical appearance are you struggling to accept?

When I initially answered the question, I hurriedly listed a few things off the top of my head in each area. But as I gave the question more thought, my list got longer… and deeper. We all have some things – experiences, cultures, physical traits, etc. – in our lives that we wish could be otherwise. But, I learn today that everything about you is indispensable to your life’s purpose. Everything about you is made to be absolutely valuable to you (and possibly the whole world) at a particular point in time. This includes your too-dark skin, or too-pale skin, your traumatic past, or your absent parent, your “nerdy-ness”, etc. It includes even qualities you have that people have called awkward or undesirable…everything.

A few Bible verses to prove the point. Long before God laid the foundations of the earth, he had us (that means you specifically) in mind, had settled on you as the focus of His love 1. As your Creator, he had you in his care before you were even born 2. In fact, he knew you inside out. He knows every bone in your body. He knows exactly how you were made, bit by bit, how you were sculpted from nothing to something 3. He saw you before you were born and scheduled each day of your life before you began to breathe 4. And, as master architect of all things, made all nations from one man, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and where they should live 5.

So essentially, he marked out your life – your experiences, your traits, your awkwardness etc. – and placed them in the now, because he knew they would be useful for our world today. They would be useful for the tech-age, for the AIDS epidemic, for issues in education, for changing one person’s life…something at some particular point in time.

So, in light of all these things, think about your unique qualities that you struggle to accept and ask yourself this question: could you possibly be a better architect? My personal answer is absolutely not.

Read more if you are curious:

  1. Ephesians 1:4
  2. Isaiah 44:2a
  3. Psalm 139:15
  4. Psalm 139:16
  5. Acts 17:26

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