A collection of devotional series for women
The Love of God
Love your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and all your mind. (Luke 10:25-27)
Ladies dedicate time to themselves, getting ready with their daily routine; moisturizing their skin, straightening their hair, putting makeup on and sometimes spending two hours or more on social media scrolling through people’s profiles. We do all these things because we love ourselves, we love to look good, to wear nice clothes, and to be in good shape.
But do we spend the same time showing the love of God to our brothers and sisters? Do we spend the same time praying for people in need? When was the last time you said to a stranger, “God bless you?” When was the last time you bought a meal for a homeless person? Are you spreading/showing the love of God? In what areas are you not showing the love of God?
What is LOVE?
I believe in order to know the meaning of a word you have to go to its etymology, i.e. the roots. This is LOVE: that God gave His only Son as a sacrifice for us so that we might live and have eternal life. (John 3:16)
Love is Jesus leaving heaven, and descending to earth, in the form of flesh and bones; being humiliated and eventually paying the ultimate sacrifice for us: all of it out of LOVE.
He tells us in Luke 10:25-28: Love your neighbors as you love yourself. This is more important than any sacrifice or offering. What are you doing to show Jesus’ love?
Misrepresenting or Representing
Let me tell you, Jesus lives in you. Therefore, you are His ambassador! Are you representing or misrepresenting Jesus? You see, our company is the kingdom where our boss is God, and Jesus is the CEO. Are you recruiting for the Kingdom, or sitting back in your chair and waiting for somebody else to do it for you?
God wants to use you as a representative of His love, so He can reach the lost sheep. Go in faith and forgive and love your neighbors; love your brothers and sisters. See the rest of the world through God’s eyes. Go and let His love manifest through your life.
Prayer of the Week:
Lord, allow me to vision your love. To be your hands and feet without limiting your spirit, to be an excellent kingdom representative. Amen! | FB:Ebracholucia IG: @lubracho